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Uma Dhungana 38, lives with her mother and her sister’s daughter in Kachankawal Rural Municipality 6 of Jhapa district. Dispite of being physically challenged (red card holder under disability category), Uma has shown remarkable resilience in the face of adversity.

For years, she relied solely on her disability allowance to meet her family’s daily needs, raising concerns about her future and financial independence. Her mother was also worried about Uma’s future due to poor economic condition and Uma’s physical challenges.

In her pursuit of a better life and support her family, Uma wanted to start her own business, but a lack of initial investment stood in her way. Recognizing this LWF/SNJD provided her grant of NRS 15,000 to start her own grocery store. This opportunity allowed her to turn her home into the store of her dreams, where she now manages her shop with pride. “Sitting in my shop and conducting business brings me joy,” she shares.

Uma’s transformation has not only enhanced her independence but also boosted her family’s livelihood. “I am extremely grateful that LWF/SNJD recognized and assisted families like ours, who are financially vulnerable and face disabilities,” she says. Looking ahead, she plans to expand her inventory with cooking oil and rice, solidifying her role as a community entrepreneur.

Uma Dhungana’s story is a powerful reminder that with support and determination, one can overcome challenges and create a brighter future.


1 month ago

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