Successfully Completed the 5th batch of PCTP

Successfully Completed the 5th batch of PCTP

SN-JD successfully completed the fourth batch of Parent Child Training Program (PCTP) with the financial support of Australian Embassy. The farewell program was conducted on 1st August 2024. The training was started from 15 May 2024 and ended on 1st August 1, 2024.There were 1 observer (Autistic child Parents) and 6 parents with their autistic…

TOT To School Teacher for Gender Sensitization Class

TOT To School Teacher for Gender Sensitization Class

With financial support from the Lutheran World Federation Nepal, the Teachers Training on Gender Sensitization (TOT) was effectively held at Pashupati Secondary School in Rajgadh, Bahradashi Rural Municipality, from June 22 to June 24, 2024. This program was a component of the Power project, which Social Network for Justice and Development, the local partner, carried…

SN-JD was appreciated at the Human Rights Defenders’ Council, Koshi Province Convention Program

SN-JD was appreciated at the Human Rights Defenders’ Council, Koshi Province Convention Program

“SN-JD was appreciated at the Human Rights Defenders’ Council, Koshi Province Convention Program. “In partnership with The Lutheran World Federation Nepal, the Social Network for Justice and Development was honored with a certificate of appreciation for its excellent contribution and immense support in promoting human rights and empowering women rights defenders in rural areas. This…

झापामा मनाइयो विश्व अटिजम सचेतना दिवस

झापामा मनाइयो विश्व अटिजम सचेतना दिवस

बिर्तामोड-  ‘विश्व अटिजम सचेतना दिवस’ झापाको बिर्तामोडमा भव्यताका साथ मनाइएको छ। न्याय र विकासका लागि सामाजिक सञ्जाल (एसएनजेडी) को संयोजनमा सचेतना दिवस मनाइएको हो।  अटिजम बारे सचेतना जगाउने र यसको बारेमा अधिकतम् मानिसहरुमा जानकारी दिने उद्धेश्यले र्यालीसहितको कार्यक्रम आयोजना गरिएको एसएनजेडीका कार्यक्रम संयोजक कुमार चुडालले जानकारी दिए  हनुमान कम्प्लेक्सबाट शुरु भएको र्याली वान स्टप मलबाट पूर्वमा…